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Ball Pump Buying Guide

Which ball pump is best for your sport and budget?

This is a question often asked and to be honest it seems very much an individual preference as to what suits them. Some people will be totally sold on the stirrup pump which makes inflating a ball a lot easier and less effort, but then others like the simplicity of the hand pump that fits in the kit bag and is light and easy to transport.

However if you are having to inflate large numbers of balls you may prefer to go for the electric ball pump which is more heavy duty but not so portable as it runs on mains electric.

So what are the options?

    • Hand pump.
    • Double action hand pump.
    • Stirrup pump.
    • Heavy duty stirrup pump.
    • Electric pump.

      The hand pump is ideal for throwing in your kit bag, it is small and compact and also the cheapest in the range. It is simple to use and certainly does the job well.

      With the double action hand pump this makes inflating much faster than the standard pump. With its unique design where it pumps air in to the ball when pumping in and out.

      The stirrup pumps are much larger but do make it a lot quicker and less work to inflate the balls with their long barrel allowing more air to be pushed through, they come with an added balance foot plate which aids stability when the pump is being used.

      Then there is the king of ball pumps the electric pump, this is ideal for those having to inflate several balls at a time. The only downside to this is you require mains electricity which is not always to hand on the side of a sports field. So we would recommend this is for use in schools, by individuals or by clubs where you are able to use it in the clubhouse and take the balls outside.

      Some of the pumps come with a pressure gauge built in like the heavy duty stirrup pump and the electric pump which does aid in the inflation process as it helps to confirm you have inflated it to the correct PSI.

      If you want further advice on What Size Ball Pump You Should Use or Buy? please see our video below. If you found it useful please hit the subscribe and like button. We also welcome your comments too which can be left in the feed under the video.

        All of the pumps come with a standard needle adapter and it is possible to purchase a ball pressure gauge as a separate item. It is also recommended you use glycerine to moisten the needle before use; this will help to prevent any damage to the bladder on inserting the needle. Our best selling hand pump is the
 Double Action pump 
        as it is small enough to fit in your kit bag and is a durable fast action pump. To see the full range of pumps we offer, from stock, please visit our 
Ball Pumps 
      section.   For advice on inflating balls, see our guide here.