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A coaches speech to inspire your team.

A coaches speech to inspire your team.

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As coaches we all look at ways to improve our team. We spend hours, working on session plans, arranging fixtures and looking at ways to get that bit more out of our side. We look to give the ultimate speech and wise words, at the right time. Sometimes we win, sometimes we fail but, no one can deny we try to be the best. Coaches, often forget, they have a family at home, looking to share in their time. Some selflessly spend as much time coaching voluntarily, than they do at their paid job. These people are what the government are currently campaigning for more of. More people to give up their free time to help others. To give up their free time voluntarily. I hope it happens, not just in the sports arena but, also in other walks of life, acting, singing, social care, cricket, football, water polo or any other sport or pastime, they all can benefit the community. If you have any spare time and want to help others, it may just be the best thing you have ever done. Imagine being able to inspire someone to achieve something. Helping someone to be better than they could ever have believed. Do it, you won't regret it. With Red Nose Day just a week away, i thought it would be worth reminding you of one of the all time great inspirational speeches, no not Winston Churchill or Martin Luther King...But, SMITHY. A true legend in the world of comedy and a remarkable speech. Inspirational speech from Smithy Brilliant and brings a tear to the eye.