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Coronavirus Update: Shattering Sports Reputations

Coronavirus Update: Shattering Sports Reputations

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Novak Djokovic is quite rightly regarded as one of the world’s greatest ever tennis players.

His 17 Grand Slam titles see him only below Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in the overall pecking order – but his reputation on the court has now been shattered by his actions off it.

Professional Tennis Player's Reputation Shattered

Djokovic may have had the best of intentions when organising a major tennis event in his Serbian homeland, but it has spectacularly backfired and he is now facing a real battle to salvage his respectability.

Make no mistake, being forced to isolate after testing positive for coronavirus may be a blessing in disguise as right now, Djokovic needs to keep his head down and hide away from the criticism he is rightfully receiving. He may be the World No 1, but he is now also Public Enemy No 1.


Hugging Players and Packing Stadiums

His blatant disregard for the coronavirus pandemic which is still wreaking havoc over the entire world is unforgivable. No testing, a stadium packed to the rafters with no social distancing and being pictured hugging fellow players and then in a nightclub celebrating the ‘success’ of the event sent out an appalling message.

Clearly this killer virus was above Djokovic. Until he tested positive for it. As did fellow players. And his wife. And his coach. The list goes on…

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Making Sacrifices

We have all had to make huge sacrifices over the past four months and even as restrictions are gradually lifted, there is still this huge cloud hanging over us. We are all longing to return to normality, but it will be a slow and steady journey. We cannot cut corners and must all respect and adhere to guidance.

That means simply using common sense – and that applies to everyone, even the most wealthy, talented and well-respected. Because right now, while Djokovic is still wealthy and talented, he is not well respected.