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Caring For Your Football

Footballs are used for training and matches, generally through the winter. The harsh weather conditions can play havoc with some of the complex materials used in their construction. Taking good care of your football, will ensure you get many months/years of use from your ball.

Football materials vary greatly and the time spent on cleaning and storing your ball, should be relevant to the value. Spending hours cleaning cheap training balls, will extend their life but, not by much. However spending a few minutes a month looking after an expensive match football, will pay dividends.

Footballers use balls designed specifically for their market, indoor balls, training balls, match balls and beach balls. How you care for each ball will vary. Although we sell many more Precision Training Footballs Precision Training Footballs and Mitre Footballs the way you look after the ball would be the same for all suppliers.

Indoor footballs have an outer layer similar to a tennis ball and should never be used in wet conditions. Looking after this ball is simple 'Don't Get It Wet'. If it gets dirty you can give it a brush down with a clothes brush. If it becomes really soiled, use a medium strength carpet cleaning foam and then brush off after use.

Training footballs and Match footballs construction varies from manufacturer and quality. The materials can be rubber, Polyurethane (PU), South Korean PU, Ducksung PU and Polyvynl Chloride (PVC). All of these can be carefully washed with a damp cloth and dried after use, with a warm clean towel.

It is important grit is carefully removed from any stitched area. If this is not removed, when you rub the ball dry, you may end up scratching the football covering. Although this will not immediately affect it's performance, it will quickly deteriate over the next harsh winter.

Your ball or balls should be stored in a place where it is not exposed to extreme temperatures and away from direct sunlight. Storing in a purpose made bag with vented panels is the best way to look after them when not being used. Do not store in the bag when the balls are still wet.
For more information take a look at our football buying guide or go to the main football page