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New Sports Bras Shop Launched

New Sports Bras Shop Launched

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One of the most important pieces of kit any sportswoman can get, is a sports bra, yet research shows less than 50% of woman actually own one. For those that do own one, more than 66% are wearing the incorrect size. Breasts can move in excess of 14 centimetres when exercising, this can cause damage to the ligaments and soft tissue. So wearing a sports bras is important to maintain your figure. When trying to get fit and toned, it makes sense to protect your assets by wearing a properly fitting sports bra. Women who play regular sport will know the consequences, of not wearing a sports bra. Sore breasts, stiff shoulders and neck, aching back and even headaches are common problems associated with women that fail to wear a sports bra. Women with smaller breasts often say saggy boobs won't happen to them but, they to should also wear a good fitting sports bra. Sports bra's are designed to reduce the amount of vertical and lateral movement, this in turn, reduces the chances of long term injuries. Breasts do not have muscles and are in need of a good quality, well fitted sports bra. Breasts only have ligaments and skin to retain their shape and once they stretch or sag, sadly this is irreversible, without costly cosmetic surgery. The Coopers ligament can be protected by using a sports bra and effectively retain your breasts original shape. The choice is wide but they are all designed for comfort and elegance. With prices starting from under £20, it is a small price to pay for long term gain. Sports bars can be purchased from our sports bras shop.